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Recover old memories from Audio/Video/computer disc

Video tape - VHS and VHS-c

/VHSVHS-C video tapes.png
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I can convert VHS and VHS-c (from movie cameras) video tapes to DVD or digital file
Note: It is legal to have a copy in a different format for each device you own – click HERE for details.
Standard price (includes GST) starts at $10 each for either a DVD or supplied USB stick or SD card. Contact me for bulk discounts.
Basic VHS & VHS-C tape conversion: standard direct transfer of VHS tape (contents of 2 hours or less) to DVD or digital file withoput any artwork - $10.  Artwork is $5 a DVD
VHS tapes come in Standard Play - 120 Minutes and 180 minutes, and Long Play (LP) of 240 and 360 minutes.  This can not be determined from looking at the tape cover as it is a function of the VHS recorder - some recorders do not do this.
Tapes longer then 120 minutes requires a dual-layer DVD which holds 3.5 hours, and two would be needed for a 360 minute tape.  Costs are as follows:
180 Minutes (3 hrs) - $15
240 Minutes (4 hrs) (LP on a standard 120  min tape) - $20
360 Minutes (6 Hours) (LP on a standard 180 min tape) - $30
Editing out ads on tapes recorded from TV - $10 per hour or part thereof on the tape.
Extra DVD (only for non-copyrighted tapes): Standard single layer DVD $3, Dual Layer $5, USB sticks/SD card copies are free.

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